Table of Contents

Setup Guide

Import Guide

NWH Vehicle Physics 2 aims to automate import process as much as possible but some actions can not be performed from scripting and so these have to be done manually.

  • If the build target is Windows / x86 make sure to change it to Windows / x86_64 or Unity InputSystem will not work. This can be done under File ⇒ Build Settings. InputSystem is required for demo scenes.
Build Settings.
  • A popup asking about package dependencies will pop up. Click Install/Upgrade.
  • Another message will pop up after InputSystem package is done installing about disabling the old InputManager. Click No:
  • Afterwards, go to project settings and change Project Settings ⇒ Player ⇒ Active Input Handling to Both. This way both Unity InputSystem and the old Unity InputManager will work (NVP2 supports both).
Active Input Handling option.
  • Ignore any mesh or tree related messages that pop up in the console. These are only import related and will not show up again.
  • Open the demo scene to test the import. Demo scene can be found under NWH Vehicle Physics 2 ⇒ _Demo ⇒ _Scenes ⇒ _Racetrack. The scene should work out of the box. If it does not or if you encountered any issues during import please contact the developer.
  • To make the demo scene look better switch the color space of the project to Linear under Project Settings ⇒ Player ⇒ Color Space.

Assembly Definitions

This asset uses Assembly Definition (.asmdef) files.

  • If the project already uses assembly definitions accessing a script that belongs to this asset can be done by adding an assembly reference to the assembly definition of the script that needs asset. E.g. to access VehicleController adding a NWH.VehiclePhysics2.VehicleController reference to MyProject.asmdefis required.
  • If the project does not use assembly definitions remove all the .asmdef files from the asset after import (not recommended!).
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Quick Start

Vehicle Model Requirements

Ensure that your vehicle model has the appropriate Unity rotation and pivot points. The model should use the following axes: Z - Forward, Y - Up, and X - Right. If your model has incorrect rotation and/or pivot points, consult this guide.

An example of a vehicle model with Unity-correct rotation.
Example vehicle model hierarchy.

Maintain a vehicle scale of [1,1,1]. Adjust the vehicle scale using the model import settings in Unity or 3D software prior to vehicle setup.

Physics Settings

  • For PC games, it is recommended to change the Fixed Timestep from the default 0.02 (50Hz) to 0.01667 (60Hz), 0.01 (100Hz), or even 0.00833 (120Hz) for smoother physics behavior. For mobile devices, set this value between 0.02 and a maximum of 0.03 (33Hz), but note that this may result in lower physics quality.
  • All NWH assets use only SI units (kg, m, N, etc.).

If making an open-world game with a large-scale map (> ~4000 units), the shifting origin is required (not only for this asset, but in general with game engines that use floating point precision). Explanation.

Automatic Setup

Vehicle Setup Wizard

To set up a vehicle automatically, use the VehicleSetupWizard. Ensure that your vehicle has correct pivots and rotation first. Then, attach the VehicleSetupWizard to the root object of the vehicle—where the Rigidbody would typically be placed. Follow the steps from the wizard inspector. The VehicleSetupWizard logs all actions, errors, and warnings in the console. Review and correct these manually if necessary. Depending on the settings, you might need to set up the input manually: Input Setup page

Manual Setup


Add a Rigidbody component to the vehicle root, Car in the image above. Set the mass to a reasonable value, e.g., 1400.


Add a Collider (BoxCollider, MeshCollider, etc.) to the vehicle. Rigidbody requires a collider to function properly.

Variable Center of Mass

Add the VariableCenterOfMass component to the vehicle root. This is not required but is recommended, as it allows for the adjustment of the Center of Mass and Inertia, both of which significantly impact handling. For Unity 2023 and newer, you can adjust the center of mass and inertia tensor directly on the Rigidbody, so this script will not be needed.


For a vehicle to function properly, it requires wheels. NWH Vehicle Physics uses the included asset WheelController3D instead of the default WheelCollider. For more information, consult the WheelController Setup page. Since v10.0, WheelCollider can also be used.

  • Attach the WheelController to a separate object from the wheel. This object will serve as a suspension anchor and represent the beginning of spring travel. Position it above the wheel center. The easiest way to create these objects is to duplicate the existing wheel objects, remove all components except the Transform, and move the duplicated objects slightly above the wheel center.
Vehicle hierarchy with WheelControllers and positioning of front left WheelController on the example vehicle.
  • Add the WheelController component to the objects created in the previous step. The WheelController will initialize itself with default values and attempt to set the necessary fields automatically. Ensure the following fields are set:
    • Parent - root object of the vehicle. Must have a Rigidbody attached. Car for this example.
    • Visual - wheel model. Wheel_FL, Wheel_FR, etc. for this example.
  • Turn on Gizmos and select the wheels. The wheel gizmo and suspension gizmo will appear. Adjust the Width and Radius of the WheelController until they fit the wheel model.
Wheel gizmo. The vertical 'I' represents the suspension travel while the cylinder represents the wheel.
  • Press play. The vehicle suspension is now functional. If the vehicle jitters, jumps, or exhibits other issues, check that the vehicle has a Rigidbody set up with the correct mass and at least one Collider. For more information, consult the Troubleshooting section of the WheelController Setup page.


The guide above is recommended for understanding of how input works. Below are the 'quick' steps needed:


  • Create an empty GameObject as a child of the vehicle and name it Cameras. Add a CameraChanger to it.
  • Add a Camera as a child of the Cameras object (right click ⇒ Camera) and attach CameraMouseDrag component to it. Assign the vehicle as Target.
  • The CameraMouseDrag script is not required. Any camera, including Cinemachine ones, can be used with the CameraChanger.


  • Add VehicleController component to the vehicle root - where the Rigidbody is.
  • VehicleController will automatically set up default values and automatically set up Differentials, Wheels and WheelGroups. Check console for output.
  • Go to Settings tab and click on Validate Setup button to for automatic validity check.
  • Press play. Vehicle will now function but will not respond to any user input.

Assembly Definitions

This asset uses Assembly Definition (.asmdef) files. There are many benefits to assembly definitions but a downside is that the whole project needs to use them or they should not be used at all.

  • If the project already uses assembly definitions accessing a script that belongs to this asset can be done by adding an reference to the assembly definition of the script that needs to reference the asset. E.g. to access VehicleController adding a NWH.VehiclePhysics2.VehicleController reference to MyProject.asmdef is required.
  • If the project does not use assembly definitions simply remove all the .asmdef files from the asset after import.

Using LogitechSDK (which does not fature assembly definitions) will therefore require an addition of .asmdef file inside the LogitechSDK directory and a reference inside NWH.VehiclePhysics2.VehicleController or removal of all .asmdef files from the asset if you do not wish to use assembly definitions.

Video Tutorials

These videos have been created by Game Dev Project and are not official tutorials but they might help with the setup. Reading the documentation is still highly recommended.

Getting started with NWH Vehicle Physics 2 - Unity Asset Tutorial

Model to Driveable in Under 60 Seconds - NWH Vehicle Physics 2 for Unity

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